Collecting a Urine Sample from a Cat
Sometimes your veterinarian will request a urine sample. Urine can give a lot of information on a cat's health status. If you have a diabetic cat, you may be required to monitor your cat's urine at home.
Remove the regular cat litter, clean the litter tray and make sure it is dry.
If your cat will urinate in an empty try, just put the tray down and wait. When the cat has urinated collect a sample with a syringe and put it into a clean container. You will be able to obtain containers from your veterinarian.
If your cat won't urinate in an empty tray your veterinarian may be able to provide you with a non-absorbent cat litter for use.
Alternatively, you can try adding other non-absorbent products such as plastic beads or aquarium pebbles.
If you need to store the urine sample for your veterinarian, place it in the fridge. The fresher the sample the better, so it is best to try and get the sample off to your veterinarian as quickly as possible.
If you are unable to collect a urine sample from your cat at home, your veterinarian will be able to assist you.